Sunday 2 December 2007


I thought I'd better update this blog, since there's not much here. Though there will be plenty of updates and photos once building actually commences.

We had our pre-start meeting last week. It went really well. We didn't disagree on any choices, were happy with them all, and all of the power point changes etc ended up a lot cheaper than we expected.

Our plans weren't 100% correct the first time, so they've had to go back to council for approval, but once that happens it's all go!

We're being realistic however, and we know the slab won't go down til at least January/February... but hopefully it's a relatively speedy process after that. I'd like to be in our new home for next Christmas :)

Sunday 11 November 2007

Tile Shopping!

Yesterday we went tile shopping. It only took us a couple of hours, which was pretty good considering another couple in the store were on their third week of tile shopping!

Here's what we chose - although the pics don't make them look as nice as they are.

(Click for bigger pics)

Sunday 21 October 2007

Our House!

Welcome to our blog!

Hopefully this will be regularly updated with progress and photos and stuff.

We're building a Content Living house - the Sandhurst

Here's some pics of our block (boring I know) andddd a bunch of pics of the display home that we're building. (God it's beautiful!) Pics heeere